I'm Rosana Armentano da Silva, a Physiotherapist specialized in integrative medicine and USA certified in the following techniques:
. Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner (EEM-CLP) and Eden Method Authorized Teacher
. Tuning Forks - Sound Therapy
. EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique

About Fisioenergia
Fisioenergia was born when I combined physiotherapy and the integrative medicine techniques that I'm specialized, which is complementary to traditional medicine and contributes to a more effective recovery by combining the physical, emotional and psychic fields with the energy field.
These techniques are easy to use on a daily basis to calm stress and strengthen the immune system, which anyone can benefit from them.
At Fisioenergia, services can be provided in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

If you want to know more or schedule an appointment, please contact Rosana Armentano da Silva by phone or WhatsApp +55 19 98111-2774.